Stop chasing prospects and get more business.

I know this to be true from my own experience...the more face-to-face interactions I have, the more likely I am to close the deal.

We've all set up our sales stages: Lead, Prospect, Assessment, Proposal, etc. But are they effective for closing the deal? With this plan, we have no idea who is really interested in moving forward. Who is a time waster and who is a real opportunity?

It's a scary thought, but stop chasing prospects. Schedule each meeting with your prospects at the end of the current meeting.

If your prospect doesn't want to schedule time with you, it means they probably don't want to work with you.

It's a lot easier for a prospect to say NO to someone they've had one meeting with,  received a couple of emails from and an occasional voice mail...BUT when you're engaged with your prospects they come to learn your true value face to face.

At each meeting, my prospects get to know me, they see what it would be like to work with me, they find out more about me, my personality and my genuine interest in their business. You can't do that with email and voice mail. When they schedule their next meeting with me, I know they're interested in continuing our business relationship...YES!

Don't forget, it works both ways, after a meeting or two you might discover that this prospect is not one you want to do business with. Better to find out sooner rather than later!

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