How not to lose a client because of your lack of planning

There are many professionals in this situation, but I will use the hairstylist who works at a salon as my example, because this just happened to my daughter. She called the salon on Friday to schedule an appointment with her favorite stylist, they said she was no longer there and would not share where she went or how to reach her. 

Unfortunately for that stylist she lost a good customer, my daughter didn't have a way to reach her, she didn't even have her last name to do a Google search.

Here's a few ways to solve this problem so YOU too don't loose a client:

1. Create a Facebook page for your services, then invite your clients to like it. This is different from your personal profile, separating business from pleasure, so to speak. The next time they're in your chair, ask them to fire up Facebook on their cell phone and Like your page, offer a discount on their next visit if they do it right then! 

2. Send an email to your clients. Even once every month or two is fine. Keep it short with only one tip or piece of advice. In each one include how they can reach you other than your place of business. Throw in a special offer and/or a referral rewards program to grow your client base. 

Of course you hand out your business card to everyone...let's just hope your client doesn't lose it and that was the only thing they had with your contact info on it.


There are many ways to stay top-of-mind, consider online communication through social media and email marketing as effective ways to get found and to keep your clients coming back.
Of course this doesn't apply to everyone, but I hope it reminds all of us to be proactive in reaching out to our clients, and for them to be able to reach us.