Maximize Your LinkedIn Presence by Saying Thank You!

Lisa's LinkedIn Tip> Send a THANK YOU MESSAGE.

Lisa Scott Partner at EdOutWest Digital MarketingMost people say thank you to those that do something nice for them. But many of us forget to say it on LinkedIn.

Take the time to send a personal message through LinkedIn when someone:
1. Connects to you
2. Likes your update, comment or discussion
3. Comments on something you've said or started
4. Endorses you

Find them under Notifications (click on the flag at the top of the page). It's all right there for you to easily see who to thank.

BENEFIT: You're now top-of-mind, don't forget to include key information about yourself and/or your company at the end of your message. Not a sales pitch, just information. 

Here's Mine...

Lisa Scott
30 years of creative strategies in pixels and print
Your full service marketing company : 303-847-1533

ADDED BONUS: Many times those who receive your thank you message will look at your Profile page, so make sure your profile features your value and uniqueness in a professional way. 

QUICK TIP: Keep different thank you messages on your desktop so you can copy and paste with some minor personalizations. This keeps the thank you's flowing without having to rewrite them every time.

This thoughtfulness will set you apart from the LinkedIn crowd.