Asking these questions will enhance your existing relationship and strengthen it for the future. These types of questions shift the conversation to the other person, and will be a much more effective conversation than you just talking about your products and services.
Ask these at your next meeting:
1. What have we done recently that you found valuable?
Finding out how your products or services have helped your clients will make it easier for you to serve all your clients, and how to market to new ones.
2. Can you give me suggestions for improving communication with you and your organization?
Showing your customers you're interested in making their life easier, even with something as simple as how to communicate, means a lot.
3. What are your three top priorities for next year?
This keeps you in the loop so you can plan accordingly to be of assistance.
TIP: Mark your calendar with notes on the what and when, so you can reach out to your clients and offer help with their future plans as they're ramping up.
REMEMBER, your focus should be on their priorities, not yours. This mindset makes you a valuable asset.